Thoughts of a thirty something mom

Saturday, June 24, 2006

It's been quite a while...

Well, like the title has been quite a while since my last post. In a nut shell I have quit my full time job and am returning to school. This has been both a blessing and a curse! More time with the kids-but more time with the kids.

We have been to Washington park (On the water in Anacortes) for a picnic, to the Skagit river to play in the sand, on walks in the neighborhood looking for the owner of a small dog, we have made bubble gum from scratch, made bead bracelets, and did sand art. We bought a pool for the girls to play in and are babysitting my brother's two cats. And guess what? The girls are still complaining of being bored!! Mind you this is all in one week. Oh, I think this will be a LONG summer.

I started my classes on Tuesday. I am taking Gross Anatomy/Physiology for the second time. My first nursing classes did not have enough credits, so here we go again. My professor is from Greece, and I am very impressed with how much he knows. I am sure I will be challenged in this class. Otherwise, I am taking Algebra. Nothing exciting about that!

Anyway-that is a short update of my oh so busy life!