Thoughts of a thirty something mom

Friday, June 15, 2007

Madeline's 8th Grade Graduation

This is Madeline walking up to sit down at the beginning of the ceremony (she was moving so it is blurry).
Madeline is in choir and this is their performance. (The man in green in Mr. Wagner, the music teacher. He is Maddie's favorite teacher) Here is Madeline getting her diploma! Yeah!!

Madeline walking off the stage.
Well Maddie, how does it feel tobe a freshmen?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Peyton's trip to Woodland Park Zoo

Peyton at the entrance to Woodland Park Zoo! (not too pleased with mom for taking a picture) Peyton and her friend Korrisa Bartok.
The gang lunches.
and the gang plays! (this is a sculpture of a Komono Dragon)
Ah, to be an orangatun, that would be the life!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Maddie's idea of moving..

What, eating isn't considered helping pack?

A Belle and her cat.

Is it possible to love something "too much"?

Isabelle's mother's day gift...

Isabelle planted the seeds, and gave me this plant for mother's day. Now it is beginning to bloom.

Cat in the Box..

Cinder gets in on the moving action.

You know you are moving when...

you find Easter candy you forgot to put in your child's Easter basket (in June)!

Isabelle displays her lond awaited GAP...

Yes she lost her first tooth!

Friday, June 08, 2007

The "official" graduation portrait

The is very hard to see, but this is the official portrait.

Isabelle's Kindergarten Graduation

Isabelle is waiting to get in the car to go to Kindergarten graduation
I'm still waiting...pretty as can be
Isabelle walking up to get her diploma. She is the last child in the blue dress.
Isabelle sings "Alphabet Rock".
Isabelle posing with her teacher, Mrs. Avery, and her blue diploma...YEAH ISABELLE!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Sleeping like a baby

I imagine there won't be many more mornings where I can just sit and watch my babies sleep. (and she never woke up...even with the flash!) Ah, savor the moment!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

A portrait of a "freeloader", by Paul Benson

A lazy Sunday at the "Pool"

We are making a whirlpool....yeah! Does this inner tube make my but look big?
Ah..this is the life!
I am the official "hose watcher"
Look mom, we can both fit!

Madeline (and 45 other 8th graders) hit the big city...Seattle that is

Madeline models for "Vitamin Water"...only in the NW Cool art..or is it furniture?
Hello world..I'm here!

Isabelle's Kindergarten Beach Trip

Isabelle and her friends Lacey and Jacob take a break from "critter hunting" The ground is very slippery, so Isabelle uses her hands for balance.
Four little Kindergarten's sitting on log, ....

Isabelle poses with the ferry in the background
Look Uncle Darryl...Isabelle is learning to skip rocks!