Monday, May 07, 2007

Saturday out with flat Stanley

Our First Outing with Flat Stanley included a trip to Peace Arch Park, at the Canadian border.

This is living art..the "shrub couch". Peyton is on the left, her friend Delaney is in the middle with Stanley, and Izzy is on the end.
Maddie with flat Stanley in the good old USA
and then in Canada...what a long trip!
The saying above the arch reads, "May these gates never be closed"...but it got cut off.
Delaney is on the left, Peyton, Izzy in the middle with flat Stanley, Maddie's friend Josie and last but not least Maddie.

and out last stop at Peace Arch Park was a short game of tag on the playground. Paul was it..and he got pretty tired. The girl's really gave him a workout!


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