Thoughts of a thirty something mom

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Sunday with the Benson's

I had to work this weekend, so the girl's and Paul were on their own. Paul got me a new cell phone. It is a Razor & pink....definately me. I don't know how much I will use it. I don't use the old one that much- but they are nice to have.

Other than that there was not a lot going on. Peyton & Isabelle had a birthday party on Friday. Madii went to the movies with her friends. We had a family movie night on Saturday. It was nice and low key.

Work went fine. Nothing to major to report. A good thing for the patients, but kind of boring for me.

Nothing much to else to add.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Wednesday, and the WASL is almost over!

Maddi and her best friend Sam took a well deserved break from the stress of Middle School, and went to the park.

Don't worry about your knee Sam, a little tide will do the job. (He had the unplesant sensation of putting a knee in dog doo...(OOPS!)

My "blooms once a year, if at all" cactus is in bloom....YEAH! Thanks Thom. Last year one bloom...this year, many!

A close up of a bloom.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

A lazy Sunday at the Benson's

Even Binky gets in on the Lazy action!

Time to get something to eat...

Cinder Loves Daddy...and the lap top too!

A lazy Sunday at the Benson's

The girl's playing with their Magic Bubble Wand!

Hey mom..Did you see that?

Daddy gives a lesson on Kite flying...(a bald eagle thanks to grandma & grandpa Hammer)

It begins to take flight...a little hard because there wasn't enough wind.

and finally the Eagle soars!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Mount Vernon Street Fair 2006

Madii getting "beautified" by the clowns at the Street Fair.

Mount Vernon Street Fair 2006

My new Squirrel feeder Paul bought me at the street fair. Now Isabelle and Mommy can watch the squirrels eat.

Hopefully they won't be as dumb and can figure out how to get the nuts out. Unlike the other one we have with a door!

Mount Vernon Street Fair 04-22-2006

Peyton (On the right) with her friend abbi.

The girl's favorite part of the street fair. Meeting "Rigs and Ragz" the clowns..and getting matching face paint.

Isabelle begins her transformation from "Beauty" to "Beast"...(in her favorite color, blue of course) while mommy keeps a watchful eye! The transformation is complete!

What a Beautiful "Beast"

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Thank God tomorrow is Friday!

After a long week, tomorrow is finally Friday. I am looking forward to this weekend as it is the Tulip Festival Street Fair. We take the girls and go every year. They always have a lot of booths to look through, and we always have a great time. Today was payday-so that means I will have a little to spend anyhow.
Madii seems to be healing nicely from her broken heart. Imagine that-less than 24 hours. Peyton thought the WASL was harder today-but I am confident she will do just fine.
Isabelle went to school today without any issues. She even got up and got dressed without any fits. Praise the Lord for small miracles. It never ceases to amaze me how having a good morning makes the whole day go better.
Paul finished his team building class today. The drive seemed to take a lot out of him this week. I think he will need the weekend to rest. Well, I guess that the day in a nutshell.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

What a day!!!

Well, after working a full day I came home to a daughter in complete tears. She had her first heart break! I felt very sorry for her, and appreciate the fact that I am in a commited relationship where I don't have to fear rejection. Of course with her it ended up being a complete struggle, including a few phone calls to her dad! She seems calmed down, for now.

Peyton took the WASL test. She was really worried, but when she got home she said that it was "easy". She walked to school with Madii and then caught the bus. I am very proud of her for conquering or at least trying to conquer her fears.

Izzy-Well, she is Izzy. She went to school complaining about naps. Pretty soon she won't have to take a nap. I can only wait.

Well, I better get back to making dinner.