Monday, September 17, 2007

You may have seen her...

You may have seen her while you were at the grocery store. A middle age, white woman getting coffee and toilet paper and bread.
You may have passed her while you were rushing to get the one item you forgot to make supper, or maybe you were just stopping in for a snack.
You didn't really notice her..too busy thinking about all the things you had to do, and how you were going to find the time to do them.
but if you had stopped...if you had would have seen a broken-hearted woman who just left the nursing home after saying goodbye to her husband for the last time. Who was this woman you ask...she is my aunt. What is the lesson? We never really know what is going on in the hearts and minds the people we see in everyday life that we do not know. So I vow to be more patient, less judgemental, and a little nicer to the people I don't know and most likely will never see again. Why...because I want to be the kind of person who will leave the earth a better place, simply because I was here; and I do not want to be the person who doesn't take the time to notice.


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