Tuesday, October 02, 2007

On to better days...

Well I haven't blogged for awhile, so thought I would do a brief update on each of the girls.

Madeline started high school and is a freshman. WOW..I cannot believe that. She is busy being social and is taking and loves tennis.

Peyton is the busy beaver. She is currently in the Missoula Children's Theater in their production of The Pied Piper. She is also taking saxophone. She starts AWANA next week, and is a social butterfly.

Isabelle...well, she is Belle. She is busy making new friends at her new school. She is adjusting well, and had her first "official" playdate with one of her new friends.

Paul and I are busy with life. We are trying out a few churches, and trying to find the right one. I am excited!

Well, that is all for now. I will post pictures later.


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